Compress and Decompress

Compress and Decompress



  • Compress:
    tar -zcvf File.tar.gz File
  • Decompress:
    tar - zxvf File.tar.gz
Format Decompress compress
.tar xvf cvf
.tar.gz zxvf zcvf
.tar.bz2 jxvf jcvf jxvf
.tar.Z .tar.Z .tar.Z

Tar with ssh to substitute scp

This pipe could help you upload large files much faster than scp. It is a very good way to substitute scp.

I tried to backup 1.4 T files from a moveable hard drive with scp and it takes a half hour for 24 KB files. It spends most of the time reading files.
When I switched this pipeline, a few decade gigabytes was uploaded within a few minutes. It is crazy fast!!!

Cite: roaima; 2015

tar czf - cap_* | ssh user@host tar xvzfC - dir
tar cf - cap_* | gzip | ssh user@host 'cd dir && gzip -d | tar xvf -'

cp files with tar

tar czf - cap_* | ssh user@host tar xvzfC - dir
tar cf - cap_* | gzip | ssh ken@ 'cd dir && gzip -d | tar xvf -'

Samll size fiels:

  1. cp -r Github /media/Side/ken/Github
    cp -r Github /media/Side/ken/Github  0.00s user 0.23s system 27% cpu 0.835 total
  2. time tar cf -Github | gzip | ssh ken@ 'cd /media/Side/ken && gzip -d | tar xvf -'
     tar cf - Githu*  0.06s user 0.32s system 2% cpu 13.564 total
     gzip  10.70s user 0.04s system 79% cpu 13.566 total
     ssh ken@ 'cd /media/Side/ken && gzip -d | tar xvf -'  0.59s user 0.26s system 6% cpu 13.567 total

For the Github directory, cp only takes less than 1 s, but take 13.5s for tar-pipe. So, if you have lots of small files, cp still are your first choose.

Large file test

check the size of the file: du -sh Mutation/Raw_VCF

23G	Mutation/Raw_VCF

  1. time cp -r Mutation/Raw_VCF /media/Side/ken/
    cp -r Mutation/Raw_VCF /media/Side/ken/  0.53s user 59.35s system 7% cpu 12:31.78 total
  2. time tar cf - Mutation/Raw_VCF | gzip | ssh ken@ 'cd /media/Side/ken && gzip -d | tar xvf -'
     tar cf - Mutation/Raw_VCF  3.21s user 27.98s system 4% cpu 10:36.64 total
     gzip  532.32s user 2.73s system 84% cpu 10:36.65 total
     ssh ken@ 'cd /media/Side/ken && gzip -d | tar xvf -'  18.95s user 7.16s system 4% cpu 10:36.65 total

So, in this result, cp takes like 12 minutes, but our tar-pipe takes 10.5 minutes

A better way

Though the pipeline works, but the ssh part is wasting large of resource. The best way for this situation is:

tar cf - Mutation/Raw_VCF | (cd /media/Side/ken/; tar xvf -)

And it only takes roughly 2 minutes.


  • Compress:
    gzip -cr 220725_KEGG > KEGG.gz
  • Decompress:
    gzip -d KEGG.gz


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