awk -F\; '{print $1}' filename # print the first column awk -F\; '{print $(NF)}' filename # print the last column
awk '/^the/' filename # the every line starting with the 'the' awk '/the$/' filename # the every line ending with the 'the' awk '/[0-9]/' filename # the every line contain numbers awk '/[a-z]/' filename # the every line contain the lower capital letters awk '/hel+0/' filename # helllllo hello awk '/abc|123/' filename # return for 'abc' or '123'. | --> or FS = Input field separator value OFS = Output field separator value NF = Number of fields on the current line NR = Number of records in the current file RS = Record separator value ORS = Output record separator FILENAME = Current file name being processed and probably a few more awk '{print NR}' filename # would print the line number for every line processed ## = grep -c awk 'END{print NR}' filename # Counts the lines in a file. similar to 'wc -l'
pipline on awk
awk 'BEGIN{print "the start"};{print}; END{print "the end"}' filename
Simple Logic
awk '{if(NR~/^2#/)print}' filename # would print line 2 from filename awk '{if(NR~2)print}' filename # would print any line numbers contain 2 from filename ### 2, 12, 22, 32... awk '{if(NR!~2)print}' filename # negated match awk '{if(NR==2)print}' filename awk '{if(NR!=2)print}' filename
awk '{OFS="\t";print $6}' filename or awk -F"\t"'{print $6}' filename awk -F"\t"'NR==1,NR==10{print $6}' filename #print the cloum 6 from line 1 to line 10; awk -F"\t"'{print length($5)}' filename # length() function to count the
Delete columns
awk '$1="";{print;OFS=\t}' FILENAME
awk '$3>10' FILENAME
Deleted the line after calculation
The grammar gawk is much the same like awk but more flexible
To delete some lines which doesn’t contain Baeldung