Phylogenetic Tree© Karobben

Phylogenetic Tree

A phylogenetic tree is a branching diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among different species or entities, based on their physical or genetic characteristics. It illustrates how species have diverged from common ancestors over time. These trees are constructed using morphological or genetic data and are used in biology, epidemiology, and conservation to understand the evolutionary history and relationships of organisms.
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Short reads aligner compartment

The choice of software for aligning short reads in NGS can have a significant impact on the results. Different software programs use different algorithms for aligning reads and handling mismatches, leading to different levels of accuracy and sensitivity. Some software may prioritize speed, while others may prioritize accuracy, and still others may have specific strengths or limitations in handling certain types of data. It's important to carefully consider the characteristics and limitations of each software before making a choice to ensure the best possible alignment results Who sad this?
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False Positives Made by Trinity© Trinity

False Positives Made by Trinity

Trinity is a popular RNA-Seq assembly tool that can generate false positive results due to several reasons, such as incomplete or low-quality data, presence of genomic contaminants, low expression levels of certain transcripts, or technical artifacts. Improper usage of parameters and a lack of proper quality control can also lead to false positive results in the assembly process Who sad this?
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Skill NetWork
abi processing