Immunoglobulin BLAST (Igblast), a Blast Tool Specific for Antibodies© Karobben

CD-HIT was originally a protein clustering program. The main advantage of this program is its ultra-fast speed. It can be hundreds of times faster than other clustering programs, for example, BLASTCLUST. Therefore it can handle very large databases, like NR. The 1st version of this program, CD-HI, was published and released in 2001. The 2nd version, called CD-HIT, was published in 2002 with significant improvements. Since 2004, CD-HIT has been hosted at as an open source project. Current CD-HIT package can perform various jobs like clustering a protein database, clustering a DNA/RNA database, comparing two databases (protein or DNA/RNA), generating protein families, and many others.
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Extract Information from PDB and Visualize with Pyvista© Karobben

Extract Information from PDB and Visualize with Pyvista

In summary, extracting information from PDB files and visualizing it with PyVista enables a deep and interactive exploration of biomolecular structures, which is vital for various scientific and medical research purposes. This approach harnesses the power of computational tools to augment our understanding of complex biological systems.
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Visualize the Protein Mesh with pyvista© Karobben

Visualize the Protein Mesh with pyvista

The main idea of this work is to use PyMOL for calculating the surface information/mesh structure, and then employ Python to read that information for visualization and other complex/advanced calculations. In other words, it seamlessly bridges PyMOL and Python.
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VS code

VS Code is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It provides a range of features for editing, debugging, and version control, including support for multiple programming languages, extensions for customization, and a built-in terminal. Who sad this?
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RNA-structure and Prediction© Karobben

RNA-structure and Prediction

RNA structure research is important for understanding RNA function and regulation, as the structure of RNA molecules can impact their interactions with other molecules, such as proteins and small molecules, and influence gene expression and protein synthesis. Who sad this?
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Find novo transcripts based on Trinity de-nove assembly© Karobben
khal, a fancy calendar app in your terminal© Karobben
Install DGI-DB at local PC© Karobben