scVDJ-Seq Pipeline (CellRanger)

The cellranger vdj pipeline can be used to analyze sequencing data produced from Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 5' V(D)J libraries. It takes FASTQ files for V(D)J libraries and performs sequence assembly and paired clonotype calling. The pipeline uses the Chromium Cell Barcodes (also called 10x Barcodes) and UMIs to assemble V(D)J transcripts per cell. Clonotypes and CDR3 sequences are output as a .vloupe file which can be loaded into Loupe V(D)J Browser. Visit the What is Cell Ranger page to learn more about Cell Ranger for Immune Profiling. (10X Genomics)
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CD-HIT was originally a protein clustering program. The main advantage of this program is its ultra-fast speed. It can be hundreds of times faster than other clustering programs, for example, BLASTCLUST. Therefore it can handle very large databases, like NR. The 1st version of this program, CD-HI, was published and released in 2001. The 2nd version, called CD-HIT, was published in 2002 with significant improvements. Since 2004, CD-HIT has been hosted at as an open source project. Current CD-HIT package can perform various jobs like clustering a protein database, clustering a DNA/RNA database, comparing two databases (protein or DNA/RNA), generating protein families, and many others.
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Understanding PacBio Sequencing: A Deep Dive for RNA-Seq Enthusiasts© Dalle3

Understanding PacBio Sequencing: A Deep Dive for RNA-Seq Enthusiasts

The blog post delves into the realm of PacBio sequencing, elucidating its significance in the world of next-generation sequencing. Contrasting PacBio with other sequencing technologies, such as Illumina's short-read and Oxford Nanopore's long-read sequencing, the article highlights the unique advantages and challenges posed by each. The comprehensive PacBio data analysis pipeline is elucidated step by step, from raw data collection to final report generation. A special section is dedicated to comparing tools used in the PacBio pipeline, offering insights into their strengths and limitations.
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ATAC-seq: A Powerful Tool for Mapping Gene Regulation© Dalle3

ATAC-seq: A Powerful Tool for Mapping Gene Regulation

Gene regulation plays a crucial role in various biological processes, and understanding its mechanisms is essential for advancing our knowledge in life sciences. The Advent of ATAC-seq, a powerful tool for mapping open chromatin regions, has revolutionized the study of gene regulation by providing insight into the regulatory elements that control gene expression. This review aims to provide an overview of the current state of ATAC-seq applications in various fields, including stem cell biology, cancer research, neurobiology, immunology, plant biology, microbiology, drug discovery, personalized medicine, and synthetic biology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of ATAC-seq and highlight its potential for identifying new therapeutic targets and developing personalized therapies. Overall, ATAC-seq has proven to be a valuable tool for unlocking gene regulation and has the potential to lead to significant breakthroughs in many areas of life science research.
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scRNA-Seq: makers explore© Karobben
Diving Into Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis: A Beginner’s Guide< href=>© Fei Su

Diving Into Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis: A Beginner’s Guide

RNA-Seq stands for RNA sequencing, a revolutionary technique that helps scientists understand the expression of genes within a cell. In traditional RNA-Seq, we study the averaged gene expression of thousands of cells, but this approach has its limitations. It’s like trying to understand the flavor profile of a smoothie by tasting it – you know the overall taste, but you can’t pinpoint the individual fruits that contribute to it.
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RNA-seq expression normalization is the process of adjusting the raw gene expression counts to account for differences in sequencing depth and other technical factors. It is important to perform normalization to enable comparisons between samples and increase the accuracy and reproducibility of downstream analyses. Common normalization methods include TPM, FPKM, and DESeq. Who sad this?
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Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GESA) in R© Karobben

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GESA) in R

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) is a powerful tool for interpreting gene expression data in the context of predefined biological pathways and gene sets. It allows researchers to identify enriched gene sets, discover new relationships between genes, and gain insights into the underlying biological mechanisms. Who sad this?
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Find novo transcripts based on Trinity de-nove assembly© Karobben
Single Cell RNA-Seq Notes© Karobben
Single cell RNA-Seq Practice: Seurat© Karobben