Complicate Nutrition Data Sheet Visualization
Example Data
A <- read.table("Digestive_Enzymes.csv",sep=',',header=T)
In this matrix, we have unique colname
and rowname
There are ±
and abc
followed with the numbers.
Data Matrix online: Github
Gastric_Pepsin Gastric_Amylase Gastric_Lipase Intestinal_PepsinG1 17 .23 ±0 .03 f 0 .68 ±0 .00 18 .08 ±0 .12 f 1 .54 ±0 .01 dG2 18 .48 ±0 .02 e 0 .71 ±0 .00 19 .11 ±0 .11 e 1 .62 ±0 .01 cG3 20 .67 ±0 .04 d 0 .77 ±0 .00 20 .0 ±0 .14 ad 1 .68 ±0 .01 bcG4 22 .32 ±0 .10 c 0 .80 ±0 .00 20 .71 ±0 .21 ab 1 .76 ±0 .02 abG5 24 .21 ±0 .04 ab 0 .84 ±0 .00 21 .18 ±0 .25 a 1 .78 ±0 .01 abG6 17 .38 ±0 .02 de 0 .70 ±0 .00 17 .63 ±0 .15 f 1 .57 ±0 .02 cd
Data Clean
NutriSplit <- function (A){ A1 <- c () A2 <- c () for (i in A){ tmp1 = sapply(strsplit(as.character (i),'±' ),"[" ,1 ) tmp2 = sapply(strsplit(as.character (i),'±' ),"[" ,2 ) A1 <- c (A1,tmp1) A2 <- c (A2,tmp2) } A1 <- as.numeric (A1) A2_1 <- gsub("[^0-9.]" , "" , A2) A2_2 <- gsub("[^a-z]" , "" , A2) A1 <- matrix(A1,nrow = nrow(A)) A2_1 <- matrix(as.numeric (A2_1),nrow = nrow(A)) A2_2 <- matrix(A2_2,nrow = nrow(A)) colnames(A1) = colnames(A2_1) = colnames(A2_2) = colnames(A) rownames(A1) = rownames(A2_1) = rownames(A2_2) = rownames(A) A1 <- data.frame(A1) A2_1 <- data.frame(A2_1) A2_2 <- data.frame(A2_2) Result = c () Result$Avr <- A1 Result$Dit <- A2_1 Result$Sig <- A2_2 return (Result) }
library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(ggrepel) TB <- NutriSplit(t(A)) ggplot(melt(as.matrix(TB$Avr)),aes(x=Var2,y=value)) + geom_line(aes(group=Var1)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-melt(as.matrix(TB$Dit))$value, ymax=value+melt(as.matrix(TB$Dit))$value), width=0.2 )+ geom_text_repel(aes(x=Var2,y=value,label= melt(as.matrix(TB$Sig))$value, color= 'blue' ))+ theme_light() + facet_wrap(~Var1, scales = 'free' )+ geom_point(aes(color=melt(as.matrix(TB$Sig))$value))+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45 , hjust=1 ))