font.paths() font.files() ````
<pre> 'fond.paths()' is now renamed to 'font_paths()' The old version still works, but consider using the new function in future code [1] "/home/ken/.fonts" "/usr/local/share/fonts" "/usr/local/share/fonts/conkycolors" "/usr/share/fonts" [5] "/usr/share/fonts/cmap" "/usr/share/fonts/cMap" "/usr/share/fonts/cmap/adobe-cns1" "/usr/share/fonts/cmap/adobe-gb1" [9] "/usr/share/fonts/cmap/adobe-japan1" "/usr/share/fonts/cmap/adobe-japan2" "/usr/share/fonts/cmap/adobe-korea1" "/usr/share/fonts/deepin-font-install" [13] "/usr/share/fonts/eot" "/usr/share/fonts/eot/font-awesome" "/usr/share/fonts/opentype" "/usr/share/fonts/opentype/cantarell </pre>
<pre> 'font.files()' is now renamed to 'font_files()' The old version still works, but consider using the new function in future code path file family face 1 /home/ken/.fonts AvantGarde_LT_Medium.ttf AvantGarde LT Medium Regular 2 /home/ken/.fonts GE_Inspira.ttf GE Inspira Regular 3 /home/ken/.fonts Ubuntu.ttf Ubuntu Regular 4 /usr/local/share/fonts/conkycolors aClock_Hour.ttf aClock _Hour 5 /usr/local/share/fonts/conkycolors aClock_Min.ttf aClock _Min </pre>
## Plot
```r library(showtext) font_add_google("Lobster", "lobster")
plot(1, pch = 16, cex = 3) text(1, 1.1, "A fancy dot", family = "lobster", col = "steelblue", cex = 3)