Learn Kivy from Sant: 3© Karobben

Learn Kivy from Sant: 3

Introduction of kivy:
Youtube Vedio
Text Tutorial

As you can see, I skipped lesson 2 which is introducing how to add and join a button.
Besides, he showed us how to get the input texts from the TextInput

In this video, Sant introduced the module of screenmanager from kivy.uix.

Main skeleton of the codes:

import kivy
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
## to use buttons:
from kivy.uix.button import Button
## to screen
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen


class EpicApp(App):

class ConnectPage(GridLayout):

class InfoPage(GridLayout):

if __name__ == "__main__":
chat_app = EpicApp()


As you can see, there are three classes. In the first class, EpicApp, is the class which manager different screens.

class EpicApp(App):
def build(self):
# We are going to use screen manager, so we can add multiple screens
# and switch between them
self.screen_manager = ScreenManager()
# Initial, connection screen (we use passed in name to activate screen)
# First create a page, then a new screen, add page to screen and screen to screen manager
self.connect_page = ConnectPage()
screen = Screen(name='Connect')
# Info page
# Info page was below
self.info_page = InfoPage()
screen = Screen(name='Info')

return self.screen_manager

After assigned the screen_manger, we need to assign the “name” and “widget” on each screen; and then, add them into screen_manager

As we can see, it loaded the ConnectPage first, and named it as ‘Connect’ which was used to switch the screen later.

Who loaded first would be the Home Page.


class ConnectPage(GridLayout):
# runs on initialization
# Our Main Screen
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

self.cols = 1 # used for our grid

self.add_widget(Label(text='Hello World')) # widget #1, top left
#self.add_widget(self.ip) # widget #2, top right

# add our button.
self.join = Button(text="Try me")
self.add_widget(Label()) # just take up the spot.

def join_button(self, instance):
#print(f"Joining {ip}:{port} as {username}")
# Create info string, update InfoPage with a message and show it
info = f"You found me"
chat_app.screen_manager.current = 'Info'

The layout of this page was clearly explained by Sant. And for practicing, I simplified it and remained a line of text and button only. The button is the key to join another screen. The trick of it is create a brand new screen.


class InfoPage(GridLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

# Just one column
self.cols = 1

# And one label with bigger font and centered text
self.message = Label(halign="center", valign="middle", font_size=30)

# By default every widget returns it's side as [100, 100], it gets finally resized,
# but we have to listen for size change to get a new one
# more: https://github.com/kivy/kivy/issues/1044

# Add text widget to the layout

# add our button.
# Add an return button
self.join = Button(text="return")
self.add_widget(Label()) # just take up the spot.

def join_button(self, instance):
#print(f"Joining {ip}:{port} as {username}")
chat_app.screen_manager.current = 'Connect'

# Called with a message, to update message text in widget
def update_info(self, message):
self.message.text = message

# Called on label width update, so we can set text width properly - to 90% of label width
def update_text_width(self, *_):
self.message.text_size = (self.message.width * 0.9, None)

In this page, Sant add a function which could update the texts in the screen. So we can print the texts by running chat_app.info_page.update_info(info) before switch to the screen ‘Info’

And personally, I add a return button to back to the home page.
Kivy screen manager

Kivy screen manager

Click to see the full version of the code
import kivy
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
# to use buttons:
from kivy.uix.button import Button
# to screen
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen


class EpicApp(App):
def build(self):
# We are going to use screen manager, so we can add multiple screens
# and switch between them
self.screen_manager = ScreenManager()
# Initial, connection screen (we use passed in name to activate screen)
# First create a page, then a new screen, add page to screen and screen to screen manager
self.connect_page = ConnectPage()
screen = Screen(name='Connect')
# Info page
# Info page was below
self.info_page = InfoPage()
screen = Screen(name='Info')
return self.screen_manager

class ConnectPage(GridLayout):
# runs on initialization
# Our Main Screen
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

self.cols = 1 # used for our grid

self.add_widget(Label(text='Hello World')) # widget #1, top left
#self.add_widget(self.ip) # widget #2, top right

# add our button.
self.join = Button(text="Try me")
self.add_widget(Label()) # just take up the spot.

def join_button(self, instance):
#print(f"Joining {ip}:{port} as {username}")
# Create info string, update InfoPage with a message and show it
info = f"You found me"
chat_app.screen_manager.current = 'Info'

# Simple information/error page
class InfoPage(GridLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

# Just one column
self.cols = 1

# And one label with bigger font and centered text
self.message = Label(halign="center", valign="middle", font_size=30)

# By default every widget returns it's side as [100, 100], it gets finally resized,
# but we have to listen for size change to get a new one
# more: https://github.com/kivy/kivy/issues/1044

# Add text widget to the layout

# add our button.
# Add an return button
self.join = Button(text="return")
self.add_widget(Label()) # just take up the spot.

def join_button(self, instance):
#print(f"Joining {ip}:{port} as {username}")
chat_app.screen_manager.current = 'Connect'

# Called with a message, to update message text in widget
def update_info(self, message):
self.message.text = message

# Called on label width update, so we can set text width properly - to 90% of label width
def update_text_width(self, *_):
self.message.text_size = (self.message.width * 0.9, None)

if __name__ == "__main__":
chat_app = EpicApp()


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