CryptoWatch -Kivy 1 .13 Kivy 2 .0 .0 Kivy -Garden 0 .1 .4 kivy -garden.wordcloud 1 .0 .0 kivymd 0 .104 .2 .dev0
rankdir = "LR"
mm1 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm2 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm3 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm4 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm5 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm6 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
mm7 [label ="", height = 0, width = 0, shape = none]
Navigation [URL=“/2021/04/26/Python/kivy-inaction-tb-1/#Navigation”, fontcolor = “#3273DC”]
Navigation_S [URL=“/2021/04/26/Python/kivy-inaction-tb-1/#Separate-the-KV-and-PY”, fontcolor = “#3273DC”]
Tags [URL =“/2021/04/26/Python/kivy-inaction-tb-1/#Tags”, fontcolor = “#3273DC”]
FF [label=“First Function”; URL =“/2021/04/26/Python/kivy-inaction-tb-1/#First-Function”, fontcolor = “#3273DC”]
FileChooser [label=“File Chooser”; URL =“/2021/04/28/Python/kivy-inaction-tb-2/#Filechooser”, fontcolor = “#3273DC”]
{rank=“same”; mm1; mm2; mm3; mm4; mm5; mm6, mm7}
node [shape = “box”]
Navigation_S [label = “Separate the KV and PY”]
Navigation -> mm2
mm3 -> Navigation_S [dir=back]
Tags -> mm4
mm5 -> FF [dir=back]
FileChooser -> mm6
mm1 -> mm2 -> mm3 -> mm4 -> mm5 -> mm6 -> mm7 [dir = “none”]
Quick Review
├── bin
│ └── KarobbenTB-1.3-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk
├── buildozer.spec
├── favicon.ico
├── font
│ ├── FangZhengHeiTiFanTi-1.ttf
│ ├── HuaKangXinZhuanTi-1.ttc
│ ├── HuaKangXinZhuanTi-1.ttf
│ └── JingDianFanJiaoZhuan-1.ttf
├── Layout
│ ├── filechooser.kv
│ ├── Navigation_Draw.kv
│ ├── Navigation_Tabs.kv
│ └── Seq.kv
├── lib
│ └──
├── libWidget
│ ├──
│ └──
├── logo.png
My another post about Filechooser: Karobben
touch libWidget + from libWidget.filechooser import ConfirmPopupclass MainApp (MDApp ): + ConfirmPopup = ConfirmPopup() + def change_text (self, Files ): + self.Button_test.text = Files[0 ] + print(str (Files))def build (self ): screen = Screen() + screen.change_text = self.change_textdef on_start (self ): + self.Button_test = MDRectangleFlatButton( + text="Hello, World" , + pos_hint={"center_x" : 0.5 , "center_y" : 0.5 }, + on_release = self.ConfirmPopup.popup_func) + Tab1.add_widget(self.Button_test) from import Appfrom kivy.uix.anchorlayout import AnchorLayoutfrom kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayoutfrom kivy.uix.popup import Popupfrom kivy.lang import Builderclass ConfirmPopup (BoxLayout ): def __init__ (self, **kwargs ): Builder.unload_file("./Layout/filechooser.kv" ) Builder.load_file("./Layout/filechooser.kv" ) self.register_event_type('on_answer' ) self.register_event_type('on_cancel' ) super (ConfirmPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.total_images = 0 def on_answer (self, filename, MainPage ): self.total_images = filename if len (filename) >0 : MainPage.change_text(self.total_images) else : MainPage.change_text("Please Select a File" ) def on_cancel (self, filename, MainPage ): pass def popup_func (self, *args ): content = ConfirmPopup() content.bind(on_answer = self._on_answer) content.bind(on_cancel = self._on_answer) self.popup = Popup(title="Select .zip file" , content=content, size_hint=(None , None ), size=(500 , 500 ), auto_dismiss=True ) () def _on_answer (self, instance, answer, obj ): self.popup.dismiss() def dismiss (self ): self.popup.dismiss()
#: kivy 1.10.0 <ConfirmPopup>: BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' FileChooserIconView: id: filechooser #filters: ['*.zip'] GridLayout: cols: 2 size_hint: 1,0.2 Button: text: 'OK' on_release: root.dispatch('on_answer', filechooser.selection, app.root) size_hint: 1,0.2 Button: id: cancel text: 'Cancel' on_release: root.dispatch('on_cancel', filechooser.selection, app.root) size_hint: 1,0.2 from import Appfrom kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayoutfrom kivy.factory import Factoryfrom import ObjectPropertyfrom kivy.uix.popup import Popupfrom kivy.utils import platformfrom kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screenfrom kivymd.uix.button import MDRectangleFlatButtonfrom kivy.lang import Builderfrom import MDAppimport osfrom kivy.uix.anchorlayout import AnchorLayoutfrom kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayoutfrom kivy.uix.popup import Popupfrom kivy.lang import Builderfrom filechooser import ConfirmPopupclass MainPage (AnchorLayout ): ConfirmPopup = ConfirmPopup() def __init__ (self, **kwargs ): super (MainPage, self).__init__(**kwargs) def change_text (self, Files ): self.the_time.text = str (Files) print(str (Files))class Main (App ): def build (self ): Builder.load_file("main.kv" ) return MainPage()if __name__ == "__main__" : Main().run()
Change the style of the Filechooser
Background color: @ Nykakin
canvas.before: Color: rgb: 1 , 1 , 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size
newbie programmerz; 2019; Changing the icon of Kivy FileChooserIconView; StackOverflow
Cube_tbh; 2015; How to allow user to choose file as background image in kivy?
GitHub Repository: Karobben Toolbox
Android Release: Karobben Toolbox