Principles of Biochemistry 21 |Brain Metabolism| Class Notes |HarvardX

Hormones regulate metabolism

A similar hormone: Adrenaline
Adrenaline works similarly to glucagon. But instead of the liver, the muscle is the key target of adrenaline.

Growth hormone could also affect blood levels. It is derived from the gradual consumption of fatty acids and not by gobbling glucose.

Thyroid hormones (thyroxine) could both regulated anabolic and catabolic pathways.

  • Metabolic overdrive
  • Thyroid hypertrophy
  • Weakness, sweating, weight loss, irregular heartbeat.
    Limited dose:
  • Incidence increases with age
  • Slow metabolism
  • Weight gain, fatigue, cold sensitivity
  • Activates noradrenaline release
  • Noradrenaline stimulates thermogenin in brown fat
  • Promotes uncoupling of ETC
    • Heat production
  • In other tissues: promotes simultaneous synthesis and degradation of molecules.
    • Heat production


  • Tissue specificity of action
  • Permits coordination between tissues
  • Critical for maintaining homeostasis

They promote survival in the time of stress and scarcity by slowing the rate of nucleic acid synthesis and protein synthesis.

Insulin Glucagon Adrenaline Growth Hormone Thyroid Hormone Cortisol
Origin $\beta$-cells $\alpha$-cell Adrenal medulla Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Adrenal cortex
Stimulus $\uparrow$ [Glucose]blood $\downarrow$[Glucose]blood Fear, stress, exercise Age-dependent Circadian Prolonged stress
Liver - Glycogen synthesis
- Glycolysis
- Fatty acid synthesis
- Glycogenolysis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glucose Release
Glucagon - Ketogenesis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogen synth
- Glycogenolysis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogen synthesis
- Fatty acid oxidation
Muslce - Glucose uptake
- Glycogen synth
- Amino acid synth
Reduce glucose uptake - Glycogenolysis
- Glycolysis
- AA uptake
- AA synth
- Proteolysis
- Amino acid synth
- Reduce glucose uptake
- Proteolysis
Adipose - Glucose uptake
- Fatty acid synth
- Reduce glucose uptake
- Release fatty acid
Release fatty acid - Lipolysis
- Reduced glucose uptake
- Lipolysis
- Fatty acid synth
- Reduce glucose uptake
- Lipolysis
Blood Glucose Decrease Increase Glucagon stable stable stable
Free Fatty Acid Decrease Increase Glucagon Increase stable stable

Blood-brain barrier

© HarvardX

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels formed by a ring of endothelial cells. The structure of brain capillaries is very different. Some large molecules pass through fluid channels called fenestra directly from the blood to the interstitial fluid. But capillaries in the brain don’t have fenestra.

  • Gases and water:
    In the brain, H2O, CO2, and O2 are diffuse freely across the endothelial.

  • Fuel molecules

    • Glucose
      Glucose is transported by facilitated diffusion witch carried by GLUT1. It was 50,000 faster than sample diffusion. It was also found in cardiac muscle and red blood cells.
    • monocarboxylic acid
      lactate, pyruvate, and ketone bodies.
      facilitated diffusion: MCT1
    • essential fatty acid
      e.g., $\Omega$ 3 fatty acid.
      The transport of fatty acid was poorly understood.
    • essential amino acid
      by specific transporters.
      non-essential fatty acids are blocked.
    • proteins
      insulin: transcytosis


digraph{ subgraph cluster_0{ color = "pink" style = filled label="Hypoglycemia" fontsize = 20 node [ shape="box"]
GLUT1 [label = "GLUT1 initially compensate"]
MCT1  [label = "MCT1 Upregulation"]
NT    [label = "NT synthesis decreases"]
"low [Glucose]" -> GLUT1 [label="stimulate"]
GLUT1 -> MCT1 [label="failed to compensate"]

subgraph cluster_1{

color = "skyblue"
style = filled
fontsize = 20
node [ shape="box"]
"Increase in fermentation" -> "Accumulation of NADH₁ FADH₂" -> NT


MCT1 -> NT [label=“still in energy deficiency”]
NT -> “Dangerously low fuel levels” -> “Severe brain damage”


Glycine is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord.
$3^ {_ -}P^ {_ -}glycerate \to Serine \to Glycine$

  • $3^ {_ -}P^ {_ -}glycerate +NAD^ +\to NADH + 3^ {_ -}phosphohydroxy\ pyruvate$
  • $3^ {_ -}phosphohydroxy\ pyruvate + Glut. \to 3^ {_ -}P^ {_ -}serine + \alpha^ {_ -} kg$
  • $3^ {_ -}P^ {_ -}serine + PO_ 4 \to Serine$
  • $Serine + THF \to Glycine + 5,10^ {_ -}methyl^ {_ -}THF + H_ 2O $

Glutamate is a critical excitatory neurotransmitter in circuits for memory and learning.
$\gamma^ {_ -}aminobutyric\ acid$ (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in many neuronal circuits.

  • $\alpha^ {_ -}ketoglutarate + NH_ 3 + NADH \to NAD^ + + Glutamate$ (In glial cells)
  • $Glutamate \to Glutamine$ (In glial cells)
  • $Glutamine \to Glutamine$ (back to neurons)
  • $Glutamate + CO_ 2 \to CO_ 2 + \gamma^ {_ -}aminobutyric\ acid$ (in neurons)

Catecholamine synthesis

digraph{ Tyrosine2 [label = "Tyrosine"] node [shape=box] Diet -> Tyrosine subgraph cluster_0{ label = Liver fontsize = 20 color = "pink" style = filled
Phenylalanine -> Tyrosine2

Tyrosine2 -> Tyrosine
subgraph cluster_1{
label = “Catecholamine synthesis”
fontsize = 20
color = “green”
style = filled
Tyrosine -> Dopamine -> Norepinephrine -> Epinephrine


Catecholamine synthesis

  • $Tyrosine + O_ 2 + BH_ 4 \to BH_ 2 + Dopa$
  • $Dopa + CO_ 2 \to Dopamine$
  • In some specific neurons
    $Dopamine + O_ 2 + Ascorbate \to Norepinephrine + H_ 2O + Dehydroascorbate$
    $Norepinephrine + CH_ 3 \to Epinephrine$
    Norepinephrine acts both as a hormone, by increasing blood pressure or being part of the fight or flight response (increase alertness)
    Epinephrine is a hormone that has an important function in homeostasis.

Transport of neurotransmitters

Transport protein in the membrane of storage vesicle
V-ATPase: H+ Pump
VMAT2: NT in, H+ out

Neurons: high energy demands

  • Synthesize many neurotransmitters
  • Require energy and O2
    The brain also requires many lipids
  • For vesicle turnover
  • To form the myelin sheath
  • FA synthesis also has high energy demands.

Metabolism Disorder: Phenylketonuria (PKU)

One gene-one protein disorder disease.

Mentally retarded Children with peculiar musty odor urine.

Ferric chloride test:

  • Diabetic urine: turn reddish
    target: acetoacetic acid
    -PUK patients: Dark Green
    target: phenylpyruvate

He tests 420 mentally impaired patients:

  • 8 had elevated phenylalanine
  • 2% of the population in the mental hospital compared to 0.01% in the general population.

Healthy population:

  • $phenylalanine \overset{PHA+BH_ 4}{\longrightarrow} tyrosine$
  • PAH (phenylalanine hydroxylase) BH4 is the cofactor of PAH

PKU patients
Inactivation of PAH makes phenylalanine remain at a toxic level among blood and tissues.

Untreated children:

  • < 6 months: normal
  • 6-12 months: lethargic
  • 12 months:

    • Seizures
    • Severe mental retardation
    • Severe Eczema
    • Microcephaly

Phenylalanine in blood

Healthy Mild(HPA) Mild PKU PKU (uM)
Concentration <20 120-600 360-1200 >1200

It is passed down generations in an autosomal recessive pattern.


Most causes are the miss-fold of the protein.

  • The PKU Diet
    The treatment is limited. The most popular measure is taking the PKU Diet which has limited phenylalanine.
  • Kuvan (sapropterin dihydrochloride)
    It is a form of BH4. It works for some of the patients. But the PKU diet is still needed.


PAH belongs to a family of biopterin aromatic amino acid-dependent hydroxylases that convert phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan into tyrosine, L-DOPA, and oxitriptan respectively.

The classic PKU is caused by the malfunction of PHA.
The mild PKU is caused by the regeneration of BH4:

  • $BH_ 2 \overset{PCD+DHPR}{\longrightarrow} BH_ 4$

Monomer PAH has three domains:

  • Catalytic domain (73% of mutation)
  • Self-association domain (6% of mutation)
  • The regulatory domain (21% of mutation)
    • allosteric mechanism

Active form PAH is Tetramer

  • Allosteric regulation
    Closed Ei form turn to Ea form when the regulatory domain was activated. Both regulatory domain and catalytic domain have a binding site of phenylalanine.
  • BH4
    BH4 is the coenzyme of PAH. It also binds the regulatory site and helps PAH to stay in an inactive form.
  • Phosphorylation
    phosphorylating the serine residue occupying position 16 in the regulatory domain.
    PAH becomes active at a lower concentration of free phenylalanine.


  • Limited intakes of protein-rich food like meat and potatoes
  • Persisting neurological or psychosocial issues and poor quality of life despite early intervention
  • Nutritional deficiencies due to diet
  • The financial burden due to the cost of special medical food and dietary supplements.

Phenylalanine in excess in the blood acts as a competitive inhibitor, limiting the transport of tyrosine and tryptophan in the brain.

  • GMP
    GMP are proteins derived from whey, the residual liquid left after curd formation which is low in phenylalanine.

neurological complication
Despite the restricted diet, some patients still developed neurological complications because they have problems with BH4 biosynthesis or regeneration.
60% of them affect the enzymes PCD and DHPR.
Among these patients, the administration of a daily dose of 20 mg of BH4 per kg body weight could improve this situation.

BH4 acts as a PAH-specific chaperone to leading the correct folding.

PKU with mental-disorder

The accumulation of phenylalanine:

  • Oxidative stress
    • Free radicals - form when oxygen interacts with certain molecules
      • Results in highly reactive atoms with an odd number of electrons
      • Has “free” electrons available for pairing
    • Antioxidants
      • Compounds that can “donate” an electron
      • Neutralize oxidative effects
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Lipid Metabolism
  • Bioenergetics
  • Calcium

ROS, reactive oxygen species

ROS is the most important group of free radicals in the biology system.

  • nature product of cellular metabolism
  • low concentration
  • Maintained by Antioxidants
  • High concentration causes:
    • oxidative stress.
    • Cell components such as DNA, proteins, and cell membranes
      are damaged
  • Relationship with PKU
    • PKU diet reduced the injection of antioxidants $\downarrow$
    • PKU diet also limited the synthesis of antioxidants $\downarrow$
    • Increased ROS production by chronic exposure to Phe and metabolites
    • Phe inhibition of the synthesis of endogenous antioxidants

Oxidative Stress in Brain

digraph{ node [shape=box] BOS [label ="Brain Oxidative Stress", color="skyblue", style="filled"] NCD [label = "Neuronal Cell Death and Brain Aging", color="pink", style="filled"] BOS -> "Astrocytes are impaired\n(Signal transduction)" -> NCD BOS -> "Inflammation" -> NCD BOS -> "imbalance in superoxide level" -> NCD }


  • Precursors

    • Tyrosine is a precursor of neurotransmitters catecholamines.
    • Tryptophan is a precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • Inhibitors

    • Natural inhibitors of the enzymes responsible for the syntheses of L-DOPA and dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptophan, and serotonin.
  • Dopamine Deficit

    • Parkinson - like symptoms
    • Anhedonia
    • Depression
  • Serotonin Deficit

    • OCD - like symptoms
    • Impulsivity
    • Depression

Fatty acid

DHA-Ethylester in brain

  • The most abundant polyunsaturated $\Omega$-3 fatty acid
  • Responsible for many functions
  • Low levels of DHA correlated to severely depressed patients
  • Low levels of DHA lower the activity of neuronal activity and increase cell death
  • A component of the myelin sheath (Damaged:)
    • Cognitive disruption
    • Neuropathies
    • Difficulty controlling movements and balance


creatine/phosphocreatine system:
The key enzyme, creatine kinase, was inhibited by phenylalanine.

$Phosphoenolpyruvate +ADP \overset{Pyruvate\ kinase}{\longrightarrow} Pyruvate + ATP$
The key enzyme, Pyruvate kinase, was inhibited by phenylalanine.

The energy production restrictions largely affect the red blood cell and a high level of glycolysis damages the red blood cell structure integrity and are actively phagocytosed. Anemia observed.

Ketone Bodies

  • Under normal fasting condition, blood sugar level is low
    • The citric acid cycle slows down
    • Liver cells produce ketone bodies
      • The main source of fuel for the brain
  • Synthesis of ketone bodies is decreased by high levels of Phe
    • PKU patients can’t produce as much
    • Decrease in ATP synthesis in the brain


High concentration of phenylalanine activates PMCA: increase in calcium concentration efflux (out). Plasmid Ca2+ is low

Long term of phenylalanine exposure:
chronic effects: PMCA was inactivated, Plasmid Ca2+ is high,
the triggering of action potential is affected.

Principles of Biochemistry 21 |Brain Metabolism| Class Notes |HarvardX



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