Oxidative phosphorylation & ATP synthesis 12| Tulane

Oxidative phosphorylation & ATP synthesis 12

Invest 1st ATP

Aldose to ketose

Position carbonyl for aldolase (step 4) to split molecule into two 3-carbon fragments

Invest 2nd ATP

Allosteric regulation, e.g., feedback inhibition by ATP

Split 6-carbon into two 3-cabon compounds

Schiff base intermediate

Funnel DHAP through GAP into 2nd half of pathway

Catalytically “perfect” enzyme

Form high-energy intermediate

Thermodynamically unfavorable reaction

Generate NADH

1st energy payoff

Substrate level phosphorylation (phosphate transfer from carbohydrate to ADP)

Setup for next formation of high-energy intermediate

Slide 20:
Some 2,3-BPG falls off, binds Hb, favors O2 release

Slide 21:

Dehydration forms high-energy intermediate

Slide 22:

Substrate-level phosphorylation

Cori Cycle
In the Cori cycle,
Lactate from skeletal muscle is transferred to the liver
Converted to pyruvate then glucose
This glucose can be returned to the muscle

Regulate at PFK

Adenylate kinase
salvages high-energy bond of ADP
generates AMP, a sensitive metabolic indicator
Keq= 1

Low ATP or a small increase in AMP relieves PFK inhibition


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Oxidative phosphorylation & ATP synthesis 12| Tulane




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