0 Posted 2021-05-10Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox7 minutes read (About 996 words)Kivy for android in action: Web ServiceWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-05-08Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox10 minutes read (About 1427 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 6: Tab and Navigation InitiateWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-05-08Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox6 minutes read (About 831 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 5: Fasta EditorWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-05-07Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox5 minutes read (About 768 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 4: Dynamic Tabs managerWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-05-01Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy3 minutes read (About 383 words)Kivy: debug, understand adblog| adb logA quick way to understand the adblogRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-30Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox7 minutes read (About 1014 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 3: MenuWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-04-30Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy10 minutes read (About 1524 words)Kivy: WebviewerA sample example of web viewer for Kivy AndroidRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-30Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy13 minutes read (About 1900 words)Kivy: debug, understand adblog| adb logA quick way to understand the adblogRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-28Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox6 minutes read (About 849 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 2: FilechooserWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-04-28Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Class / Biochemistry8 minutes read (About 1211 words)Principles of Biochemistry 15 |Citric Acid Cycle| Class Notes |HarvardXCitric Acid Cycle; Class notes for biochemistryRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-28Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Class / Biochemistry2 minutes read (About 287 words)Principles of Biochemistry 14 |Glycolysis in Bacterial| Class Notes |HarvardXGlycolysis in Bacteriall; Class notes for biochemistryRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-27Updated 2024-01-11Pythona few seconds read (About 42 words)Kivy in action: video2audio| Python |mp4 to mo3Kivy in action, Video to audio; python; mp4 to mo3Read more
0 Posted 2021-04-26Updated 2024-01-11Python / Kivy / Toolbox8 minutes read (About 1202 words)Kivy for android in action: Toolbox 1: NavigationWrite a kivy toolbox for yourselves.Read more
0 Posted 2021-04-24Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Class / Biochemistry8 minutes read (About 1152 words)Principles of Biochemistry 13 |Glycolysis in Red Blood Cell| Class Notes |HarvardXGlycolysis in Red Blood Cell; Class notes for biochemistryRead more
0 Posted 2021-04-23Updated 2024-01-11Python / Scripting / Practicea few seconds read (About 84 words)Video to audio | Python |mp4 to mp3Python script for extract the soundtrack from videos: moviepy, ffmpy3Read more