0 Posted 2020-07-28Updated 2024-02-14Biology / Bioinformatics / Software / Fasta/q2 minutes read (About 308 words)TrimmomaticTrimmomatic is a java tool for cut and filter readsRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-28Updated 2024-01-11Biology / Bioinformatics / Software / De novea minute read (About 164 words)CPATCapt to merger transcriptsRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-28Updated 2024-01-11Biology / Bioinformatics / Software / De novea minute read (About 221 words)cufflinksCapt to merger transcriptsRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-28Updated 2024-10-31Biology / Bioinformatics / Software / Sama minute read (About 172 words)samtoolsSamtoolsRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-07Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Paper / Biology6 minutes read (About 939 words)Transcriptomic analysis of juvenile Chinese sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) anesthetized by MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate) and eugenolTranscriptomic analysis of juvenile Chinese sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) anesthetized by MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate) and eugenolRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-07Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Paper / Biology7 minutes read (About 1020 words)Physiological and transcriptomic responses to fishmeal-based diet and rapeseed meal-based diet in two strains of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio)Physiological and transcriptomic responses to fishmeal-based diet and rapeseed meal-based diet in two strains of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio)Read more
0 Posted 2020-07-07Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Paper / Biology7 minutes read (About 1103 words)De novo characterization of the liver transcriptome of javelin goby Synechogobius hasta and analysis of its transcriptomic profile following waterborne copper exposureTranscriptomic analysis of juvenile Chinese sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) anesthetized by MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate) and eugenolRead more
0 Posted 2020-07-07Updated 2024-01-11Notes / Paper / Biology6 minutes read (About 829 words)Transcriptomic response to soybean meal-based diets as the frst formulated feed in juvenile yellow perch (Perca favescens)Transcriptomic response to soybean meal-based diets as the frst formulated feed in juvenile yellow perch (Perca favescens)Read more
0 Posted 2019-08-13Updated 2024-01-11R / Bio / DEG37 minutes read (About 5558 words)EdgerCodes for hot to running EdgeR to call differential Expression Genes from RSEM result. (More details you can find in Trinity wiki)Read more