

Genearl Commands for Tmux


tmux is a very powerful interact-able bash interpreter. Once you familiarized with the hot keys, it would be an inextricable programs of you.

Copy and Past:

Moves Keys
Enter Copy Mode ctrl-b + [
Start to selecte ctrl-b + blank
Copy the selected words ctrl-b + w
Copy the selected words Enter
Paste the words ctrl-b + ]
Show the copy list ctrl-b + #
Select the copy list ctrl-b + =
Jump to the line head ctrl-a
Jump to the line end ctrl-e

Panes: Each window could split into small panes which is the key feature for tmux.

Moves Keys
Split pane horizontal ctrl-b + "
Split pane Vertical ctrl-b + %
Resize the the Panes ctrl-b + ctrl-
Show pane ID ctrl-b + q
Show the window and pane ID ctrl-b + w
move the Panes into right ctrl-b + {


  1. Panes resize:
    After you executed ctrl-b, you can hold ctrl and press the up, down, left, or right as many as you can until it fits you the best.
Moves Keys
Create a new Window ctrl-b+ ‘c’
Switch to the next window ctrl-b + n
Move the window eadge to the right ctrl-b +
flip the window lift ctrl-b + {
flip the window right ctrl-b + }

Detach and Attach

In tmux, you can detach the current session and attach it later. It is very useful when you are working on a remote server and you need to leave for a while. Basically, the detach the session means you can leave the session and the session will keep running in the background. And then, you can savly log out the server. When you come back, you can attach the session and continue your work.

Moves Keys
Detach the session ctrl-b + d
List the session tmux list-sessions
Attach the session tmux attach-session -t <session-number>

This could be very helpful.

tmux list-sessions
tmux attach-session -t 10

List of the session will be like:

10: 1 windows (created Tue Jan 28 11:01:30 2025)
11: 1 windows (created Tue Jan 28 11:05:37 2025)
12: 1 windows (created Tue Jan 28 11:06:43 2025)
20: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 31 10:11:23 2025) (attached)
21: 1 windows (created Fri Jan 31 10:21:27 2025)
9: 1 windows (created Tue Jan 28 11:01:14 2025)


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