Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference?

Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference?

Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference?

Cite: Charni-Natan M, Aloni-Grinstein R, Osher E and Rotter V (2019) Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference? Front. Endocrinol. 10:374. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00374

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© Charni 2019


  1. Liver serving as a hormonal secretory gland.
  2. Steroid hormones is important
  3. Liver is important to Steroid hormones homeostasis
  4. P53 has impact on Liver
  5. Hypothesis: P53-> Liver -> Steroid hormones -> Diseases
  6. New way to diseases treatment (Maybe)


P1: BG

Steroid hormones:

  • reproductive
  • metabolic homeostasis

Steroid hormones synthesis

  • derived from cholesterol
  • synthesized by adrenal cortex, gonads, and placenta.

Five groups: (based on nuclear receptor)(1–5)

  1. mineralocoriticoids
  2. glucocorticoids
  3. androgens
  4. estrogens
  5. progestogens


  • Responding for stress
  • Regulating hormones expression

This discuss is focus on bidirectional relationship between different steroid hormones and liver and dependently on p53.

Steroid Hormones Homeostasis Regulation by the Liver


Cholesterol Genesis(15)

  • de-novo production
  • hydrolysis of stored cholesterol
  • interiorization of plasma membrane cholesterol
  • from LDL and HDL


Metabolism(16, 17)

  • 5αR1 (liver enzyme 5α-reductase 1)
    • 5αR1-KO mice exhibited augmented mRNA levels of various hepatic metabolic regulators genes (e.g., Acc1, Agpat2, Cpt2, and Dgat2) in comparison to WT mice(18).
  • CYP (cytochromes P450 enzymes)
    • metabolism of many drugs and lipophilic compounds(19)
    • CYP3A4, CYP19, CYP2C2B1, and CYP2C11 are the liver CYPs and take part in steroid hormones hydroxylation and processing
    • CYP3A4(20,21)
      • hydroxylases several steroids such as cortisol, androstenedione, testosterone, and progesterone
    • CYP19 (Aromatase)(10)
      • transforms androgens to estrogens by the removal of C19 carbon and the aromatization of the steroid A ring.
    • CYP2C11 and CYP2B1(10)
      • regulate hydroxylation of testosterone
    • Nuclear receptors complexes
      • NRC such as PXR, VDR, RXR were also found to bind CYP3A4 chromatin and affect its expression (23, 24)

Steroids Conjunction

  • exerted by such as sulfotransferare and uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT)
    • ransfer the steroid hormones into higher polarity metabolites that are better suited to be excreted from the body(10).
    • The sulfotransferases that are expressed by hepatic cells and are related to steroids conjugations are HSST, EST, SULT 2A1, and SULT 1E1 (25).
    • be regulated by androgens, GCs, and nuclear receptors such as PXR(27).
  • sulfotransferase inhibition
    • as well as EST KO, led to the acceleration of free steroids and thus to sexual abnormalities (10,26).


  • Two subfamilies
    • UGT2B
      • mainly expressed in the liver and is related the processing of steroid hormones(28).
  • UGT
    • it induce glucuronidation of steroids, a process that interrupts steroids activity, and enables their elimination.
    • Tegulated by several xenobiotics compounds (e.g., PCN, PB), which were reported to increase their mRNA expression levels in rats’ livers (29).


As steroids, these hormones are lipophilic thus, when secreted into the blood stream they need to be bound to carrier proteins

  • SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin)
  • CBG (Corticosteroid binding globulin)
  • This carriers are glycoproteins which are mainly secreted by liver.(30, 31).
  • Carrier proteins bind steroids and turn them to be biologically inactive (32).
  • effect different molecular pathways and signaling such as apoptosis (33, 34)
  • Regulation:
    • factors such as glucose (35), thyroid hormone < id="b_p18"sup>(36), and other factors such as the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF-4α) (37), PPAR-γ (38), and p53 (14).

Glucocorticoids (GC)

Glucocorticoids are vital endocrine regulators of homeostasis and adaptation to environmental variations.
potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents(40)

  • Cortisol(42)
    • a main glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex
    • essential for immune system, vascular tone maintance
    • etc
      Played a major role during stress and severe illness by increasing cardiac output and vascular tonus and decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines release(43,44)
    • under the control of: (42)
      • HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal )
      • ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
      • CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone)
      • low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol insufficiency impair the production of cortisol (45)

NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)

Metabolic disorder, characterized by hepatic steatosis, the presence of free fatty acids or triglycerides in the liver(46).

  • Mice:
    • high fat diets & chronically elevated GC(47)
  • Patients:
    • elevated GC levels(48)



synthesized by the adrenal cortex that influence salt and water balance.



Androgens are the principal male sex hormones that regulated masculinizing (雄性化作用) effects and male sexual behavior.

  • DHT(dehydroepiandrosterone)
    • it can bind androgen receptor(AR) as well as testosterone(82)


Estrogens are female principal sex hormone.

  • E2 (17β estradiol) is essential for human


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Liver and Steroid Hormones—Can a Touch of p53 Make a Difference?



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