Latex grammar highlight Plugin for Atom

Latex grammar highlight Plugin for Atom

Install Tex Live

sudo apt install texlive-latex-base # not recommended. You may install a very old version which can't install or update packages.

Make sure to delete the old version of tex live to avoid the conflict and confusion. If you forget where are they or the name of the package you installed, you can use the following command to find them:

dpkg -S /usr/bin/pdflatex
dpkg -S /usr/bin/tlmgr
texlive-latex-base: /usr/bin/pdflatex
texlive-base: /usr/bin/tlmgr

Then, you can remove them by using the following command:

sudo apt remove texlive-latex-base
sudo apt remove texlive-base
# or you can run sudo apt remove texlive*
sudo apt remove biber

I went to the document and download the install-tl-unx.tar.gz file. Then, I extract the file and run the install-tl file. With the default setting, it would end up at: /usr/local/texlive/2025

# Set TeX Live 2025 path
export PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2025/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH"
export MANPATH="/usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/doc/man/man5:$MANPATH"
export INFOPATH="/usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/doc/info:$INFOPATH"

After that, test the installation by checking the version:

pdflatex --version
pdfTeX 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.23 (TeX Live 2025)
kpathsea version 6.4.1


INFO - This is Biber 2.20
INFO - Logfile is 'main.blg'
INFO - Reading 'main.bcf'
ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.8, expected version 3.11.
This means that your biber (2.20) and biblatex (3.17) versions are incompatible.
See compat matrix in biblatex or biber PDF documentation.

The easiest way is delete the files and compile again.

rm *.aux *.bbl *.bcf

Citation (Reference)

For the citation, there are few main types you can use in the latex: biber and bibtex. The biber is the newer one and it is recommended to use. The bibtex is the older one and it is not recommended to use. The biber is more powerful and flexible than the bibtex. The biber can handle more complex citation styles and it can handle more complex bibliography data. The bibtex is more simple and it is easier to use. The bibtex is more suitable for the beginners.

bibtex example:


how to compile the bibtex example:

pdflatex main.tex
bibtex main
pdflatex main.tex
pdflatex main.tex

biber example:



how to compile the biber example:

pdflatex main.tex
biber main
pdflatex main.tex
pdflatex main.tex



sudo apt install -y texlive texlive-font-utils texlive-pstricks-doc texlive-base texlive-formats-extra texlive-lang-german texlive-metapost texlive-publishers texlive-bibtex-extra texlive-latex-base texlive-metapost-doc texlive-publishers-doc texlive-binaries texlive-latex-base-doc texlive-science texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-science-doc texlive-fonts-extra texlive-latex-extra-doc texlive-pictures texlive-xetex texlive-fonts-extra-doc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-pictures-doc texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-humanities texlive-lang-english texlive-latex-recommended-doc texlive-fonts-recommended-doc texlive-humanities-doc texlive-luatex texlive-pstricks perl-tk
sudo apt install latexmk


3 latex packages for atom:

  • language-latex(latex高亮)
  • latex
  • pdf-view(可视化显示)

reference: Violet-Guo

© Violet-Guo 2017

© Violet-Guo 2017

more editors

  • Lyx
  • TexStudio
  • Sublime Text
  • Emacs

Online Platform: Overleaf

I found most of my friends are using Overleaf to edit latex online. So, I tired and use it, too. It is good. All codes and methods below are all test under the Overleaf platform.

Main structure of the Latex

here is the structure of the latex projects:

├── figures
│   └── example_figure.pdf
├── ldr-article.cls
├── main.bib
├── main.pdf
├── main.tex
└── Rmarkdown.Rmd

This directory is an example from the overleaf (ldr-template).

  • The figures is a directory for storing the figures.
  • The ldr-article.cls is for storing all configures which like cs for html.
  • the main.bib is for storing the citations
  • the main.tex is the place for your main contented.
\title{Titiel is here }
Karobben 1\\\\
Karobben 2

There are no abstracts. Lol
\keywords{latex; write a papre}
This is an exmaple for showing the basic structure of a latex
\subsection{Result 1}
\subsection{Result 2}


cite: LondonRob

sudo apt-get install texlive-bibtex-extra biber

In latex, there is at least two ways to cite: cite and parencite. The different between two of them are parencite could automatically add parent symbol, “()”, for you.

Contents in main.bib file:

  title={High-throughput ethomics in large groups of Drosophila},
  author={Branson, Kristin and Robie, Alice A and Bender, John and Perona, Pietro and Dickinson, Michael H},
  journal={Nature methods},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group US New York}
  title={Automated monitoring and analysis of social behavior in Drosophila},
  author={Dankert, Heiko and Wang, Liming and Hoopfer, Eric D and Anderson, David J and Perona, Pietro},
  journal={Nature methods},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group US New York}
Latex Rendered in PDF
Citation test:\\
- Parencite: \parencite{Ctrax} \\
- Parencite multiple: \parencite{Ctrax, CADABRA} \\
- Cite: \cite{Ctrax}\\
- Cite multiple: \cite{Ctrax, CADABRA}\\
Citation test: 
- Parencite: (Branson et al.)
- Parencite multiple: (Branson et al.; Dankert et al.)
- Cite: Branson et al.
- Cite multiple: Branson et al.; Dankert et al.

Different styles for citation:

Find the line \RequirePackage[style= in the file of ldr-article.cls

Style Approximate Citation Format
alphabetic [Bra+09]
authortitle Branson et al., “High-throughput ethomics in large groups of Drosophila”
authoryear Branson et al. 2009
authoryear-icomp Branson et al. 2009
authoryear-comp Branson et al. 2009
numeric [1]
numeric-comp [1]
reading Branson, Kristin, et al. 2009
verbose Branson, Kristin, et al. “High-throughput ethomics in large groups of Drosophila.” Nature Methods 6.6 (2009): 451-457
chem-acs (1)
phys [1]
nejm 1.
nature 1.
science 1.
ieee [1]

Other tricks

  1. Commenting: % this is a invisible comment
  2. Dealing with special characters: In LaTeX, some characters are reserved for special commands. If you need to use these characters as they are, you need to escape them using a backslash (\). The special characters are: # $ % ^ & _ { } ~ \. For example, if you want to write 5%, you need to write it as 5\% in LaTeX.
  3. Inserting images: The graphicx package provides commands to work with images. You can use the \includegraphics command to insert an image.

  4. Creating tables: The tabular environment can be used to create tables
    Header 1 & Header 2 \\
    Row 1, Col 1 & Row 1, Col 2 \\
    Row 2, Col 1 & Row 2, Col 2 \\
  5. Dealing with large documents: For large documents like a thesis or a book, you can use \input{filename} or \include{filename} to add contents from another file. This can help keep your project organized.
  6. Math mode: LaTeX is widely used for its superior handling of mathematical equations. You can insert an inline mathematical equation like this: $E=mc^2$, or a standalone one like this:
  7. Hyperlinks: With the hyperref package, you can add hyperlinks to your document.
    \href{}{Link text}
  8. Referencing: With LaTeX, you can easily cross-reference figures, tables, sections, etc. For example, when you label a figure using \label{fig:my_label} you can reference it with \ref{fig:my_label} and it will automatically update the figure number.
    Remember, the power of LaTeX comes from the various packages available. When you want to do something specific, there is probably a package that can help you achieve it. Check the documentation of the packages to make full use of their features.

Latex grammar highlight Plugin for Atom



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