Conky: Si-Fi Theme© Karobben

Conky: Si-Fi Theme


Another post for Conky: Conky

CODE: Karobben, GitHub
video: 史上最不正經的生物狗, BiliBili

Assign variables

## - Graphics settings - #
draw_shades no

default_color cccccc

color0 white
color1 1E90FF
color2 white
color3 0084C8

CPU Model

## |--CPU1
## Assign the path of the image
## -p position
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/CPU_INTERFACE.png -p 0,0 }
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/CPU_INFO_PANEL.png -p 225,0 }
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/CPU_TEMPERATURE_GRAPH.png -p 241,60 }
## CPU tag
${voffset 1}${voffset -48}${goto 8}${cpugraph cpu1 50,216 1E90FF 0084C8}${color}
## CPU usage
${voffset -56}${goto 250} ${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${color0 white}CPU 1
${goto 250} ${font Digital Readout Thick Upright:style=Bold:size=16}${color0}${cpu cpu1} ${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}%
## CPU Tem
${voffset 2}${goto 248} ${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=10}${color salmon}TEMP ${color white}${execi 30 sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/+//'| sed 's/.0.*//' }°C
## CPU bar
${voffset 2}${goto 8}${cpubar cpu1 7,216}


##RAM Tag,Usage
${voffset -129}
${color0}${font ConkyColors:size=15}g${font}${color white}${goto 32}${voffset -6} ${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}RAM:${goto 78}${color firebrick}$memperc%${color0} ${goto 120}F: ${color firebrick}${memeasyfree} ${goto 200}${color0}U: ${color firebrick}${mem}${color}
# |--SWAP
${goto 10}${color0}${font ConkyColors:size=15}z${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}SWAP:${goto 78}${color firebrick}${swapperc}%${color0} ${goto 120}F: ${color firebrick}$swapmax ${goto 200}${color0}U: ${color firebrick}$swap${color}${font}

##RAM bar
${voffset -55}${goto 406}${color white}${membar 10,97}
${voffset 1}${goto 406}${color white}${swapbar 10,97}


It’ll be rolling-present lines in File1.txt file.

## |--infor board1
${voffset 130}

${execpi 5 cat /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/File1.txt | fold -w 83 | sed 's/\[ \]/\[ \]/' | sed 's/\[X\]/\[ X \]/' | sed 's/\] /\] ${color white}/' | sed 's/$/${color }/' | sed 's/^/${voffset 4}${goto 55}${color CCFFCC}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=11}/'| head -n $(echo $(date "+%M")+9|bc)| tail -n 9}
${execpi 5 cat /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/File1.txt | fold -w 83 | sed 's/\[ \]/\[ \]/' | sed 's/\[X\]/\[ X \]/' | sed 's/\] /\] ${color white}/' | sed 's/$/${color }/' | sed 's/^/${voffset 4}${goto 55}${color 99CCFF}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=11}/'| head -n $(echo $(date "+%M")+19|bc)| tail -n 10}
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/GRID.png -p 0,580 -s 692x500 }
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/GRID.png # -p 700,700 -s 485x380 }

GPU Module

## |--GPU
${voffset -1148}
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/GPU.png -p 710,0 }
${goto 725}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${color black}Ver: ${goto 785}${exec nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/NvidiaDriverVersion -t}
${goto 725}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${color black}Tm: ${goto 785}${color 993333}${nvidia temp}°C${color}
${goto 725}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${color black}G.freq: ${goto 785}${nvidia gpufreq}
${goto 725}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${color black}M.freq: ${goto 785}${nvidia memfreq}
${voffset -60}
${goto 820}${color 008800}${font ConkyColorsLogos:size=40}n${font}${color}

Time & Processes

## |-- Time & Processes

${voffset 10}
${font Digital Readout Thick Upright:size=40}${goto 750}${color2}${time %k}${voffset -9}:${voffset 9}${time %M}${color2}${voffset -14}${font Digital Readout Thick Upright:size=24}${goto 855}${color2}${time %d}${font Digital Readout Thick Upright:size=12}${voffset 14}${goto 855}${color2}${time %m}${goto 869}${color2}${time %y}${font}
${voffset -97}${goto 1250}${voffset -10}Processes: ${color2}${goto 1330} CPU${goto 1370 }RAM${goto 1420 }PID${goto 1470 }USER${color}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 1}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 1}${goto 1370 }${top mem 1}${goto 1420 }${top pid 1}${goto 1470 }${top user 1}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 2}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 2}${goto 1370 }${top mem 2}${goto 1420 }${top pid 2}${goto 1470 }${top user 2}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 3}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 3}${goto 1370 }${top mem 3}${goto 1420 }${top pid 3}${goto 1470 }${top user 3}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 4}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 4}${goto 1370 }${top mem 4}${goto 1420 }${top pid 4}${goto 1470 }${top user 4}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 5}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 5}${goto 1370 }${top mem 5}${goto 1420 }${top pid 5}${goto 1470 }${top user 5}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 6}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 6}${goto 1370 }${top mem 6}${goto 1420 }${top pid 6}${goto 1470 }${top user 6}${color}${font}
${voffset -1}${goto 1250}${color2}${top name 7}${color}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1} ${goto 1330}${top cpu 7}${goto 1370 }${top mem 7}${goto 1420 }${top pid 7}${goto 1470 }${top user 7}${color}${font}
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/ZONES.png -p 960,0 }

CPU and GPU information | Test in Deepin 15.1

## |--C&G infor
${voffset -145}
${goto 1541}${color white}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=7}${exec lscpu| grep "Model name:"| awk -F" " '{print $2}'|sed "s/ E3/\nE3/"|head -n 1}
${goto 1540}${color white}${exec lscpu| grep "Model name:"| awk -F" " '{print $2}'|sed "s/ E3/\nE3/"|tail -n 1}
${voffset -31}
${goto 1790}${color white}${exec lspci | grep -i vga| awk -F"HD " '{print $2}'}
${goto 1791}${color white}${exec lspci | grep --colour=never -i nvidia| awk -F"M " '{print $2}'| awk -F"(" '{print $1}'}

${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/OVERALL_INTERFACE.png -p 1530,0 }


${voffset 845}
${goto 1201}${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0}${color0}${font ConkyColors:size=15}6${font}${color} ${voffset -6}Battery: ${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${color1}${battery_percent BAT0}%${color}${font}
${voffset -14}${goto 1320}${color 99CCFF}${battery_bar 12,594}


## |--NetWork

${voffset 32}
${goto 1201}${color #0077ff}${upspeedgraph wlp4s0 48,605 104E8B 0077ff}
${voffset 3 }${goto 1201}${color #0077ff}${downspeedgraph wlp4s0 48,605 104E8B 0077ff}
${voffset -119 }${goto 1818}${color0}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}Up:
${goto 1818}$color${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${upspeed wlp4s0}
${voffset 32 }
${goto 1818}${color0}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}Down:$color
${goto 1818}${font HOOGE 05_53:style=Bold:size=9}${downspeed wlp4s0}

${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/NETWORK_INFO.png -p 1195,885 }
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/NETWORK2.png -p 1195,955 }
${image /home/ken/Desktop/BlueVision/Blue_conky/Resorse/NETWORK2.png -p 1195,1020 }


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Updated on


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