Hexo: batch | Maintain you md files with batchs/scripts© lunarscents

Hexo: batch | Maintain you md files with batchs/scripts


Sometimes, we want to change the category, let’s say, from [Notes, Biology, Paper] to [Notes, Paper, Biology]. It is not a good idea to rewrite them one by one. In fact, sed can help.

strA="\[Notes,\ Biology,\ Paper\]"
strB="\[Notes,\ Paper,\ Biology\]"
## Ender your hexo blog directory
cd ${Hexo}
## searching for all posts
find source -name "*.md"
## Check the match pattern
grep "$strA" $(find source -name "*.md")
## Select one of the file from above to test the substitute pattern
sed "s/$strA/$strB/" mtGenome.md| head
## once the substitution was successful, we can run it on all posts.
sed -i "s/$strA/$strB/" $(find source -name "*.md")

Check the match pattern

With the sed grammar above, we shall substitute all strA with strB. But sometimes, we may go too far. To avoid replacing something unintentionally, we’d like to make sure each matching pattern is unique. We can achieve this with bash commands.

## Count the match pattern to make sure it is uniq:
grep "$strA" $(find source -name "*.md")| awk -F":" '{print $1}'| uniq -c

In this case, we use grep to search all matching patterns in all files. By piping it to awk, the name of the files has remained. Finally, we calculate the files and find Hexo_post.md has two matches.

1 source/_posts/Blog/hexo_lived2d_busuanzi.md
1 source/_posts/Blog/Hexo_math.md
2 source/_posts/Blog/Hexo_post.md
1 source/_posts/Blog/Hexo_search.md

We can also achieve this with uniq -d and only Hexo_post.md will be printed out.
In this situation, we need to change our matching string to avoid mismatches.

Final Check

Before you run sed -i, you can still make a final check:

sed  "s/$strA/$strB/" $(find source -name "*.md")| grep "$strB"|wc

by comparing the counts of result by grep.

substitute Html site

Replace Sit1 with Sit2


strA=$(echo $SIT1|sed 's=/=\\/=g')
strB=$(echo $SIT2|sed 's=/=\\/=g')
## Ender your hexo blog directory
cd ${Hexo}
## As before, you show try it before rewrite
sed -i "s/$strA/$strB/" $(find source -name "*.md")


cp $File $File.md
Cites=$(grep "^\[" $File|sort|uniq)
sed -i '/^\[/d' $File.md
echo -e "---\n$Cites" >> $File.md


- BSFL meal increased the abundance of beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the health of the host such as lactic acid[^Huyben_2019][^Terova_2019][^Rimoldi_2019]and butyrate[^Terova_2019].

[^Rimoldi_2019]: Rimoldi S, Gini E, Iannini F, Gasco L, Terova G. The effects of dietary insect meal from Hermetia illucens prepupae on autochthonous gut microbiota of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Animals (2019) 9(4):143. doi: 10.3390/ani9040143
[^Liu_H_2018]: Liu H, Wang J, He T, Becker S, Zhang G, Li D, et al. Butyrate: a double-edged sword for health? Adv Nutr (2018) 9(1):21–9. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmx009

- The anti-inflammatory properties of microbe-derived butyrate in gut and its role in enhancing intestinal barrierfunction and mucosal immunity are well studied in human[^Liu_H_2018].

[^Huyben_2019]: Huyben D, Vidaković A, Hallgren SW, Langeland M. High-throughput sequencing of gut microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed larval and pre-pupae stages of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). Aquaculture (2019) 500:485–91. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.10.034

- It is also possible that the short-chain fatty acids including butyrate produced by gut microbiota might induce the expression of host defense peptides and prevent inflammation in the gut as observed in mammals and birds[^Wu_J_2020].

[^Terova_2019]: Terova G, Rimoldi S, Ascione C, Gini E, Ceccotti C, Gasco L. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gut microbiota is modulated by insect meal from Hermetia illucens prepupae in the diet. Rev Fish Biol Fish (2019) 29:465–86. doi: 10.1007/s11160-019-09558-y


I removed blank lines by hand to make it neatly.

- BSFL meal increased the abundance of beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the health of the host such as lactic acid[^Huyben_2019][^Terova_2019][^Rimoldi_2019]and butyrate[^Terova_2019].
- The anti-inflammatory properties of microbe-derived butyrate in gut and its role in enhancing intestinal barrierfunction and mucosal immunity are well studied in human[^Liu_H_2018].
- It is also possible that the short-chain fatty acids including butyrate produced by gut microbiota might induce the expression of host defense peptides and prevent inflammation in the gut as observed in mammals and birds[^Wu_J_2020].

[^Huyben_2019]: Huyben D, Vidaković A, Hallgren SW, Langeland M. High-throughput sequencing of gut microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed larval and pre-pupae stages of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). Aquaculture (2019) 500:485–91. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.10.034
[^Liu_H_2018]: Liu H, Wang J, He T, Becker S, Zhang G, Li D, et al. Butyrate: a double-edged sword for health? Adv Nutr (2018) 9(1):21–9. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmx009
[^Rimoldi_2019]: Rimoldi S, Gini E, Iannini F, Gasco L, Terova G. The effects of dietary insect meal from Hermetia illucens prepupae on autochthonous gut microbiota of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Animals (2019) 9(4):143. doi: 10.3390/ani9040143
[^Terova_2019]: Terova G, Rimoldi S, Ascione C, Gini E, Ceccotti C, Gasco L. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gut microbiota is modulated by insect meal from Hermetia illucens prepupae in the diet. Rev Fish Biol Fish (2019) 29:465–86. doi: 10.1007/s11160-019-09558-y

Hexo: batch | Maintain you md files with batchs/scripts




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