
Softmax is a mathematical function commonly used in machine learning, particularly in the context of classification problems. It transforms a vector of raw scores, often called logits, from a model into a vector of probabilities that sum to one. The probabilities generated by the softmax function represent the likelihood of each class being the correct classification. $$\sigma(\mathbf{z})_i = \frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}}$$
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Support Vector Machine

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification and regression. It finds the best hyperplane that separates the data into different classes with the largest possible margin. SVM can work well with high-dimensional data and use different kernel functions to transform data for better separation when it is not linearly separable.$$f(x) = sign(w^T x + b)$$
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Random Forest

Random Forest is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that builds multiple decision trees during training and merges their outputs to improve accuracy and reduce overfitting. It is commonly used for both classification and regression tasks. By averaging the predictions of several decision trees, Random Forest reduces the variance and increases model robustness, making it less prone to errors from noisy data. $$\text{Entropy}_{\text{after}} = \frac{|S_l|}{|S|}\text{Entropy}(S_l) + \frac{|S_r|}{|S|}\text{Entropy}(S_r)$$
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Multi-layer Neural Nets© Karobben
Hidden Markov Model© Karobben
Artificial Intelligent 1© Karobben