abi processing
用R语言来指导实验© wikipedia.org
Fonts family in R plot
Latex grammar highlight Plugin for Atom
Some Online Tools
logistic regression in R
Linear Regression
Machine Learning (out of date)
stocking density effects on fish | review © goodfish.org

stocking density effects on fish | review

Stocking density refers to the number of fish that are stocked in a given area of water in aquaculture systems. It is an important consideration for fish farmers because overcrowding can lead to poor water quality, increased disease, and stunted growth. The optimal stocking density varies depending on the species of fish, water quality, and management practices. Experiments are conducted to determine the ideal stocking density for specific fish species and systems. Who said this?
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leaflet in R

leaflet in R

Leaflet is an Js library which support the R API. You can draw high complicate and interoperable maps with it
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Garden Aquarium
Density plot

Density plot

Plot the density distribution of your data by ggplot
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GGmap: geom_map | ggplot for maps
GGplot 杂耍
GGradar | ggplot example