Riboviria, Something you'd like to know

Riboviruses are a type of RNA virus that infect bacteria. They have a unique replication strategy, using the host bacteria's own machinery to replicate their RNA genome. Riboviruses are thought to have potential as therapeutic agents, as they can specifically target harmful bacteria while leaving beneficial bacteria unharmed. Some studies have even explored using riboviruses as a new way to treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Who sad this?
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Slurm Workload Manager

SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is an open-source, highly scalable, and highly customizable cluster management and job scheduling system. It is widely used for managing high-performance computing (HPC) systems, allowing users to efficiently allocate resources, manage workloads, and monitor job progress. SLURM provides a simple and flexible interface for submitting, scheduling, and managing large-scale computing jobs, making it a popular choice for researchers, engineers, and other HPC users. Who sad this?
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False Positives Made by Trinity© Trinity

False Positives Made by Trinity

Trinity is a popular RNA-Seq assembly tool that can generate false positive results due to several reasons, such as incomplete or low-quality data, presence of genomic contaminants, low expression levels of certain transcripts, or technical artifacts. Improper usage of parameters and a lack of proper quality control can also lead to false positive results in the assembly process Who sad this?
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Common Contaminants in NGS

The bacterial populations in UPW systems used in the semiconductor industry were studied, including 2 university and 4 full-scale industrial plants in different locations. Samples were taken from the polishing section, which can impact the quality of UPW used in the final stages of semiconductor production. These results provide an overview of the general bacterial diversity in UPW production. Who sad this?
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Extract Fasta from VCF

To create a fasta file from a VCF file, use a script or software that can extract the genomic sequence information from the VCF file and format it into the fasta format. This allows you to generate a sequence-based representation of the genetic variation data stored in the VCF file, making it easier to visualize, analyze, and compare the variants. The fasta file can then be used as input for various bioinformatics tools and pipelines. Who sad this?
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Disk Mount and Manage in Linux

Disk mount in Linux refers to the process of making a file system available for the operating system to access on a particular directory. This is done by mounting the file system on a directory, which makes it accessible to the system and its users. Who said this?
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Hexo theme: Butterfly© lunarscents
Find novo transcripts based on Trinity de-nove assembly© Karobben