geom_sf | ggplot for maps
geom_step | ggplot examples
ggalluvial (Picture needed)
R-gganimate | ggplot examples
jpeg: reading color from img

jpeg: reading color from img

jpeg package is a library for reading image file to R. By doing those, you can read the rgb value from a image and do calculate you like!
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magick (Picture needed)

magick (Picture needed)

magick package is a library for reading image file to R. By doing those, you can manipulate each pixl of the image to do some calculating!
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geom_pie | ggfan |ggplot examples


R: ggplot, ggplot, qq plot
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GGplot | A tutorials for beginner
ggplot畫斷層圖© Karobben
WGCNA - 實戰
WGCNA Tutorial 2
nCov visualization

nCov visualization

rayrender is an awesome 3D model visualizing library. But it takes lot's of calculating as all other similar tools. Prepare for cooling-fan for your laptop before try this
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Plot a Words Cloud
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