Molecule and Cellular Biology 3© Karobben
Advanced Molecular & Cell Biology 2© Karobben


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Behavior Analysis

Behavioral research is a vast field that offers insights into the complexities of behavior and provides a foundation for making predictions and interventions in various sectors of life and society.
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Progress Bar in Python© Karobben
Ubuntu linux in Android (aarch64)/No root (proot)© Karobben
Arch linux in Android (aarch64)/No root (proot)© Karobben
Cython© Karobben


Cython, make python faster!
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Compare the similar of two images© Karobben

RNN, Recurrent Neural Network

A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network that has memory or feedback loops that allow it to better recognize patterns in data. RNNs are an extension of regular artificial neural networks that add connections feeding the hidden layers of the neural network back into themselves - these are called recurrent connections. The recurrent connections provide a recurrent network with visibility of not just the current data sample it has been provided, but also it's previous hidden state. A recurrent network with a feedback loop can be visualized as multiple copies of a neural network, with the output of one serving as an input to the next. Unlike traditional neural networks, recurrent nets use their understanding of past events to process the input vector rather than starting from scratch every time. (© 2023 NVIDIA Corporation)
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Wnt signal pathways

The Wnt signaling pathway is a pathway that regulates cell proliferation, differentiation, and cell fate determination during embryonic development and in adult tissues. Dysregulation of this pathway is implicated in various diseases, including cancer. It is studied to understand the mechanisms of cell signaling and to develop targeted therapies. Who said this?
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