DNA Damage

Cells are continuously faced with endogenous stress (for example, during replication) and exogenous stress (for example, during exposure to ultraviolet radiation) that can ultimately lead to DNA damage. To preserve genomic integrity, cells have an arsenal of repair proteins that engage the appropriate repair pathway or, if damage is irreparable, induce cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis. This article series explores the pathways that detect and repair different types of DNA damage, highlighting new regulation mechanisms of the DNA damage response and the implications of disrupted DNA repair for disease. (© Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol; 13 February 2023)
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Image skills for python

Python is a popular programming language used in image processing and analysis due to its simplicity, ease of use, and large collection of libraries such as OpenCV, NumPy, and scikit-image. Python allows developers to easily manipulate and analyze images, apply complex algorithms, and create custom image processing pipelines. Who said this?
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Python 3D Plot© Karobben

Python 3D Plot

To create 3D plots in Python, you can use the Matplotlib library. Matplotlib provides a toolkit called mplot3d, which allows you to create 3D plots using functions such as plot_surface, plot_wireframe, and scatter. You can customize the appearance of the plots by setting properties such as color, marker type, and line style.
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Python Dictionary is awesome

A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. It is a mutable, indexed, and iterable data structure that is commonly used to store and retrieve data. The keys in a dictionary must be unique and immutable (strings, integers, tuples) while the values can be of any data type (strings, integers, lists, sets, other dictionaries, etc.)
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path find in a network plot

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a graph search algorithm that works by finding the shortest path from a starting node to all other nodes in the graph. The algorithm maintains a set of visited nodes and a set of unvisited nodes, with the distance from the starting node to each unvisited node initialized to infinity. At each step, the algorithm selects the unvisited node with the smallest distance from the starting node and adds it to the visited set... Who said this?
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Fruchterman Reingold layout

The Fruchterman-Reingold layout is a force-directed layout algorithm, which treats edges like springs that move vertices closer or further from each other in an attempt to find an equilibrium that minimizes the 'energy' of the system. © Bernie Hogan
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Overlap calculation in R© Karobben

Overlap calculation in R

There are several R packages that can help you calculate the overlap between two density distributions. For example, `overlap`, `kerndwd`, `KernSmooth`, and `pracma`
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From igraph to ggplot2© Karobben

From igraph to ggplot2

ggplot is flexible, integrates well with igraph, and provides a consistent grammar for building plots, making it an ideal tool for creating informative, visually appealing, and reproducible visualizations of your network data. Who sad this?
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How to set a static IP address for Linux© Karobben

How to set a static IP address for Linux

A PC's IP address should be kept from changing to avoid connectivity issues and prevent access problems with devices and services that are configured to communicate with it. This can be especially critical when specific IP addresses are required for security and access control systems. Who sad this?
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IdTrackerAI© Karobben


IdTrackerAI is an automated tracking software that uses deep learning algorithms to track individual animals in videos, even in challenging conditions such as occlusions and interactions between animals. The software can be used to extract a variety of metrics, including animal trajectories, activity levels, and social behavior, making it a useful tool for behavioral research in fields such as ecology, neuroscience, and psychology. Who sad this?
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VS code

VS Code is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It provides a range of features for editing, debugging, and version control, including support for multiple programming languages, extensions for customization, and a built-in terminal. Who sad this?
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String DB© Karobben

String DB

STRING database is a web-based tool that provides information on protein-protein interactions, including physical and functional associations. It consolidates and scores data from multiple sources, making it a valuable resource for functional annotation and network analysis in the life sciences. Who sad this?
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Cellpose is a deep learning-based software that automates cell segmentation and classification from fluorescence microscopy images. It provides a user-friendly interface and can process a large number of images in a short time, making it a valuable tool for biologists and biomedical researchers studying cell morphology and behavior. Who sad this?
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TCGA Database with R

TCGAbiolinks is an R package that provides an easy-to-use interface to access and analyze data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. It allows users to download TCGA data, perform quality control, differential expression analysis, and data visualization. TCGAbiolinks has contributed to a better understanding of the molecular basis of cancer and identified new potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Who sad this?
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flybase api

Learning the API from FlyBase is important for accessing and integrating fly genetic and genomic data. It provides programmatic access to a variety of data, such as gene sequences, expression patterns, and genetic variants, allowing researchers to easily extract and analyze large datasets. This can facilitate the discovery of new insights and hypotheses in biological research. Who sad this?
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