Pyhtnon: 2D Dengsity Plot© Karobben

Pyhtnon: 2D Dengsity Plot

A 2D Density Plot is a way to display the distribution of data as a 2D heat map. It uses color-coding to represent areas of high and low density in a scatterplot, with darker colors indicating areas of higher density. It is useful for visualizing large datasets and identifying patterns in the data. Who said this?
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Python:Opencv Edge Detection© Karobben
Linux Bluetooth Trouble Shoot© Karobben

Linux Bluetooth Trouble Shoot

Bluetooth is a bit odd. There are a lot of factors that go into whether Bluetooth devices work together as expected.
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khal, a fancy calendar app in your terminal© Karobben
Python: Cell masks result analysis© Karobben

Python: Cell masks result analysis

It would be easy to count the result when we have only a few cells in an image. But once you got thousands of cells in an image and/or you got hundreds of repeats, the work would be tedious and laboring. But with the help of python, we can do more than sample counts and gray intensity calculation. We can apply more complicated techniques like Vironoi spacial calculation and Delaunay triangulation. I'll show how can we apply these two algorithms to finally determine whether cells may share boundaries or be physically contacted.
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Python GAM to fit© Karobben
Deep Learning (Classes notes)
Python: Find the outline (edge) of the 2D points© Karobben
ggkaboom: minimal codes for ggplot© Karobben

How to do anova in R

When we compare our control with another group, the t-test could fit our goal very well. But when we need to compare it into more than 1 group, 3 groups for example, the t-test could only give the random false positive independently. That means three false positives in three comparisons. This would cause a problem. Because the false positive we need to consider now is at least one false positive in three comparisons. It means we need to adjust the p-value and apply a rigorous method to achieve a more reliable result. For doing that, ANOVA was introduced and applied.
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Pop OS

Pop OS

Quick Guide of settel your Pop OS!
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